
LIFE15 ENV/BE/000267
LIFE REFRESHMENT project aims to explore alternative uses of brewers’ spent grains to develop innovative processes and technologies which increase the resource efficiency and reduce food waste throughout the food chain, and to produce food beverage products by using the main by-product of brewing, brewers’ spent grain

LIFE16 ENV/ES/000160
The objective of the LIFE-Brewery project is to demonstrate an innovative and highly-replicable integrated solution to recover brewery by-products for aquaculture-feed ingredients. As demand of such ingredients is continuously growing, in this project a low-carbon dehydration process will be optimized and scale-up through an innovative combination of mechanical and thermal technologies. Moreover, aquafeed formulas will also be optimized to maximize the inclusion levels in the diet of farmed fish.

Grant agreement ID: 635727
PROTEIN2FOOD’s aim is to develop innovative, cost-effective and resource-efficient plant proteins –rich food sources with positive impact on human health, the environment and biodiversity. The quality and quantity of protein from selected highly nutritious seed crops (quinoa, amaranth and buckwheat), and legumes with high protein quantity (lupin, faba beans, pea, chickpea, lentil) will be significantly enhanced by using a multi-disciplinary approach that will include genetic, agronomic, food process engineering, sensory, socio-economic, and environmental assessment.

Grant agreement ID: 730398
Water2REturn proposes a full-scale demonstration process for integrated nutrients recovery from wastewater from the slaughterhouse industry using biochemical and physical technologies and a positive balance in energy footprint. The project will not only produce a nitrates and phosphate concentrate available for use as organic fertiliser in agriculture, but its novelty rests on the use of an innovative fermentative process designed for sludge valorisation which results in a hydrolysed sludge (with a multiplied Biomethane Potential) and biostimultants products, with low development costs and high added value in plant nutrition and agriculture.

LIFE15 GIE/IT/000887
The LIFE-Food.Waste.StandUp project’s main objective is to raise awareness of surplus food management and food waste prevention among three key actors of the food supply chain: agro-food companies, food retailers and consumers. This will be done by means of a coordinated information campaign, carried out at national and European level.

LIFE16 CCM/GR/000044
LIFE BIOMASS C+ LIFE Biomass C+ aims to demonstrate improvements in climate mitigation strategies through the production of sustainable biofuel, through an innovative green technology, Green Floating Filters (GFF), whereby aquatic macrophyte plants are grown in multiple water bodies. Existing and underused infrastructure and water resources (ponds, lakes...) will be used to produce zero-input biomass with high starch content, which will then be converted into bioethanol and eventually biofuel.

LIFE16 ENV/ES/000180
The LIFE ALGAECAN project proposes a sustainable treatment model of high loaded and salty effluents that combines cost-effective heterotrophic algae cultivation with spray drying of the collected microalgae to obtain a product of commercial interest as raw material for the production of biofertilisers, animal feed, bioplastic, etc.

LIFE15 CCM/BE/000090
The LIFE BEVERAGE project aims to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases caused by beverage production through a new process that will be piloted at breweries in Belgium and the UK.

LIFE15 ENV/ES/000530
The LIFE LEACHLESS project will promote water resources management actions in accordance with the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC by enabling managers of landfills and waste treatment centres to achieve good qualitative and quantitative status of their effluents.